Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jane's Little Box

So I spent a lot of time at Jack and Jane's waiting for the Best Buy boys to deliver a new TV.  I found a small box in a larger box and photographed the contents while discussing them with Jane.  Here they are.

Somebody thought this poem was worth keeping in the box. Here's a lot of information on Wilbur D. Nesbit, the author.
Jane thinks this is a tintype of one of her uncles, uncle Bill?
Jane thinks that this is a tintype of one of her grandfathers.
Jane says that Mrs. Samuel L. McClelland is a relative, but I couldn't say how.
Jane says she had relatives in Sacramento, CA. Perhaps the first address is theirs.

Below is the actual box.  Imperial Granum was a well-known "medical food."  This one is dated 1877.  I also took a picture of the inside of the box with the various items left in it after I took out the photos, poem and obit.  I haven't been able to find anything that looks just like this box on the web.

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