Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Raised to the Priesthood" article on James B. Eddie

An article appear in the San Francisco Chronicle "Raised to the Priesthood: Impressive Ceremonies at St, Paul's" Feb. 29,1896 on the ordination of James B. Eddie.  It states that he was "born in Scotland.  He was originally a Baptist, but entered the Congregational ministry and served ten years as a missionary in Africa, and later was minister to Congregational flocks in the Richmond district and at Oakland.  One year ago he was ordained to the Episcopal diaconate and placed in charge of a mission at Haywards, where he remained until a month ago, when he was called to St. Peter's, Carson City."   This sheds more light on the intriguing life of James B. Eddie.  I had no idea that he was a Baptist, then a Congregationalist, become becoming an Episcopalian, nor that he had been a minister in Richmond, Oakland, and Hayward. 

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