Monday, January 21, 2019

Harold Leddy runs for State Assembly 1916 and State Senate 1950

Harold D. Leddy ran for the California State Assembly 48th District in Los Angeles as a Republican, 1916.  He received 931 votes:  a clear loss.  Information is found in Statement of the Vote
Harold D. Leddy runs for  State Assembly

In 1950 he ran in Kern county, California, for State Senator.  Here he is listed as running against Jess R. Dorsey who was the winner.  This information is from the same book mentioned above, pg. 23.   

1 comment:

  1. Tom! Thanks again. I still enjoy this blog. Not sure I knew about the 1916 Assembly run until just now. I was looking for the much later Senate run on google. My search was "Harold Leddy runs for State Assembly" and your entry came up #1 organic search result. I didn't know that he ran for both the Assembly and the Senate. Fun to know.
