Friday, October 15, 2010

Jack Also Met Marconi!

File:Guglielmo Marconi.jpg
Guglielmo Marconi 1874-1937

Jack says he won a prize for a science project in High School and part of the prize involved meeting Marconi. (It must have been shortly before Marconi died, when Jack was around 15).  Marconi was famous for developing the radio-telegraph system, and received a Nobel prize in 1909.  On a darker side, Marconi became a member of the Fascist party in 1923 and was made director of the Royal Academy of Italy by Mussolini in 1930.

1 comment:

  1. Who didn't meet Marconi...oh I didn't. But I used to think it was funny that Marconi's name was similar to Macaroni. When we were kids our cousins Don and John would sneak out a photo at their house showing Mussolini on a meat hook. I wonder what the scinece project was that won Jack the prize? We'll have to ask him.
